
Postpartum Doula Reviews: 

Thank you so much for all your help along the way. Having you was definitey an asset and made us so much more confident as first-time parents. Literally couldn't have done it without you. - Jamie & Patrick, NYC

My postpartum time was very painful to navigate through. I probably would’ve ended up going to the [psychiatric] hospital if it wasn’t for you. You are gifted and I’m sure are treasured by everyone you work with. I really mean that. - EM, Jersey City

Our baby was born prematurely and was a tough cookie at first. Jayne gave us her all, checking on us, advising us, and consoling us - way above and beyond what I expected. Jayne was a lifesaver. My wife and I cannot recommend her enough. Not only is she knowledgeable and authentically interested in you... she's also super cool. Do yourself a favor and contact her. - Paul & Liz, Jersey City

Babies are a mystery, especially to first-time parents like us. From daily crying fits to strange sleep patterns, to sudden rejection of breastmilk and regular messy blowouts, our little baby boy is a self-updating puzzle. We are so grateful that Jayne has been there for us since day zero to stop us from completely freaking out. Not only is she a wizard-like baby problem-solver, she is also a supportive, generous, and caring presence who makes us feel safe and secure even when nothing makes sense. The moment a crisis looms, it's incredibly comforting to know that we can always count on Jayne's rapid yet thoughtful text response. We will always remind our son that he has moderately sane parents only because Jayne was there for us for the first few months of his life! - Wendy & Joe, Long Island City

Jayne helped me as a postpartum doula - specifically helping me navigate the first few weeks of being a mom.  I needed reassurance that what I was doing was correct, how I could manage some sort of self-care in between caring for the baby and general "how to" help.  She almost felt like a therapist for me post baby. I had a slightly different route than most moms: I chose to formula feed from day one. Jayne never judged my decision; rather she encouraged my need for self-preservation and mental clarity. Jayne is an amazing resource and a genuinely wonderful person. Looking back, her guidance, suggestions and support were three things I had continuously thought about during the very critical and emotional first few months of (and weeks leading up to) having a baby. - Lauren, Jersey City

Jayne was an absolute lifesaver for me during the postpartum period! After our daughter was born, I was expecting the "greatest experience of my life" and what I got was instant baby blues, sleep deprivation, and the stress of learning how to breastfeed. Out of desperation, I went on my mommy group on Facebook pleading for help and thankfully someone gave me Jayne's info. I texted her right away, she promptly responded and we set up our first meet for the very next day. I felt instant relief when Jayne walked through the door. She has an extremely calming presence and was able to normalize everything that I was going through. She let me know that the rough period DOES end. Most importantly, she made my mental and physical health a priority, which isn't always the case for new moms when so much attention is given to the baby. - Danielle, NYC

I honestly don't know how or why anyone would want to do this without a Postpartum Doula. Even if you don't have access to someone as awesome as Jayne, the benefit of information and reassurance from someone with knowledge and experience really is invaluable. Grandmas or other extended family and friends can be helpful, but having someone with current information - someone like Jayne who presents information in an evidence-based, non-judgmental way truly is priceless. Unfortunately, we have confirmed that her services do not extend to puberty or high school. - Mark S, NYC 

"Jayne understands exactly how you feel, and, somehow, she seems to even understand what the baby feels. She listens, sympathizes, teaches without judgment, consoles without pity. She is attentive, responsive, and truly caring. She inspires confidence when you've never felt less sure of yourself -- that alone is incredible. She does not forget about you or your baby. She seems to have a sixth sense that allows her to check in exactly when you need her. Sooner than you thought possible, you're smiling again. You've made it through the hardest times and you feel so much better prepared to respond to whatever challenges may come. You feel so thankful to have had her in your life and you know, if your baby could talk, she'd say the same." - Stephen M., Jersey City

Jayne’s approach is an ideal blend of understanding warmth, hard science and data, and years of anecdotal experience. Working with her involves superior professional and well researched insights without any judgment or condescension. Her expertise with sleep was especially essential for us as we struggled in the early months with reflux and breastfeeding challenges. Jayne has clearly seen it all, and she was able to use that experience to craft a fitting sleep solution for our family every step of the way. I was struck by how much better and more informed I felt after each of Jayne’s visits. It was a tremendous relief and comfort to have Jayne at the ready as nervous first time parents. Indeed, she was there to help us with our baby, but I also found her to be a great advocate and caretaker for me as a new mom. -  Alexandra & Richard, Jersey City

When I started working with Jayne Freeman I went from frazzled and terrified to confident and calm after a few weeks of her coming over. She taught me how to read my baby's cues, she took walks with me, she listened and helped me work out issues with visitors - how to manage my time and how to say no (probably the most challenging part of new motherhood for me) and she is an expert at breastfeeding. Not only that but she knows every neat product and baby hack out there so thanks to her I actually get some sleep and some downtime. She really made my first few weeks so much better. - Carolyn, Hoboken

I was so comfortable around Jayne from the moment I met her! She came over regularly and was always a text or phone call away. She had such a wealth of knowledge that I found using her as a sounding board was very valuable. Is this normal? How should I do that? What am I missing? She always checked in that I was eating and hydrated, cleaned up for me and was really just available for whatever I needed at that time. Even just socially, having someone professionally watching out for me gave me comfort. It was invaluable and I cannot say enough good things about her. - EA, Hoboken

Prenatal Class Reviews: 

When my wife told me about these classes I was a little skeptical. I was not sure it would be worth the time (of course I didn't say this to my wife). Well, after our first class, I couldn't have been more happy. Jayne not only provides critical information that I will be using on the day of the birth as I communicate to the hospital staff, but she also has given me confidence and made me realize that this experience should be enjoyed and not needlessly stressed over. The second and third classes were more of the same, and I am so happy we took them. I feel confident, informed and somehow not stressed. - Brian, Jersey City

Jayne gave us everything we could have wanted in a childbirth class and more. A wonderful no-agenda, evidence-based class run by a patient and knowledgable teacher. I have been recommending this class to everyone I know who may need it. Thank you for helping us feel more prepared. - ER, NYC 

My wife and I met Jayne when we took her birthing class in Jersey City in 2018. I fit the profile of a typical new father-to-be: not familiar with childbirth, infant care, or really anything related to babies. After doing some research, my smart wife suggested we take Jayne's birthing class. She chose Jayne's class due to the positive comments about Jayne on social media and the reasonable cost. Naturally, I didn't think I needed a class, but she persisted... and I am extremely thankful! Jayne does a splendid job taking her class through the details of the birth process, making couples feel comfortable, and answering questions in detail. We promptly signed up for her infant care class, which took me from zero to knowledgable in a day -- I felt prepared for what to do after we welcomed home our new bundle of joy. -  Paul, Jersey City

What can we say -- this class was amazing. My wife and I came in prepared having read many books on pregnancy, but Jayne brought it to another level. Her knowledge and personal experiences with NYC hospitals really made this class all the better. There is something to be said about having intimate knowledge and great personality. We would recommend this class to anyone else who is in need. - Joe, NYC

Class was amazing - our teacher, Jayne, was thorough and extremely knowledgeable. She answered questions and made us feel at ease about all our concerns. She was great in not rushing through the topics that were important to the class! Being first-time parents is overwhelming but she definitely calmed the nerves a bit! Thank you! - AD, NYC

I took the babycare & feeding class with Jayne Freeman and it was VERY informative. At first I thought a 3-hour class would be too long, but it zoomed by and we actually went over by 20 min. Jayne is extremely educated in the field and very personable. My husband and I are both so grateful that we got to learn so much. - AP, NYC

When we arrived Jayne welcomed us with a professional and yet genuine warmth. Throughout the classes she sought to make the education of birth more personal to our needs rather than a med school anatomy class. Even with other couples in the room, I felt it was just us and like we were sitting down to have a cup of coffee and conversation with her. Her knowledge is vast and I found she was the perfect trifecta- knowledge from personal experience, from helping others, and staying connected with professionals in the field on a regular basis. - Jenna, NYC

I cannot say enough how much my husband and I got out of your class this weekend and what an outstanding teacher you are.  I went into the class with so many fears, preconceived notions and birthing horror stories and you helped us understand all aspects of the process in such a clear, un-intimidating, and relatable way. I feel armed with all the facts I need to make educated decisions that are right for us both. We both got so much out of the weekend and felt so lucky you were our teacher. - EBS, NYC

This course was simply fantastic - it's a must for every new parent. There were so many things that we were not even aware of. Jayne is a great teacher, she demonstrates so much passion and at the same time knowledge and experience. We are very happy with the outcome of the classes. - DC, Jersey City, NJ

Prior to taking this class I did not know that so much depended on me - that I am part of the childbirth process and can have my own requests within hospital protocols. Without this class and Jayne's excellent teaching skills I would not have been able to have an educated discussion with my doctor and establish a birth plan. Also, my husband is very clear about his role in the process and now I trust that he knows how to help me when the day comes. We feel so much more empowered and ready for the big day. - Daniela & Costel 

We had an amazing Preparation for Childbirth class with Jayne Freeman this past weekend in Jersey City. She was outstanding! My husband and I definitely feel more prepared and less scared about the upcoming adventure of childbirth. - JG, Jersey City

I found the course to be excellent and it really has helped me prepare for what is coming very soon. I never found myself clock-watching at all over the weekend and that is a credit to your teaching skills.There were many things I did not know so from that standpoint I feel much more prepared, Thank you again for sharing your knowledge - Claire & Jamie, Jersey City

Thank you so much for all the help and invaluable advice. We feel so much more prepared for this next stage and couldn't be happier with our choice in you. You felt like a friend from the start! - Rebecca & Ryan, Jersey City

I wanted to write and tell you again how great the class was - it really helped us to be on the same page and just feel more physically in tandem. It's hard for the partner to feel even 1/100th as much a part of things. So, I thank you for bringing me that much closer to my baby, and to my wife. - Reuben, Brooklyn, NY

First off, we just wanted to thank you again for a great experience, all the useful information, and encouraging advice. We really weren't sure what was in store for us, but we came away delighted with a renewed sense of confidence and purpose. You had everything to do with that.  - Joe & Lilah, Ft. Greene, NY

Jayne was such a valuable resource for my husband and I in helping us prepare for childbirth. My husband and I felt so prepared for the birthing process with her help. She provided an objective perspective on so many aspects of childbirth that we felt well equipped in communicating our wants and needs throughout the childbirth process with our physicians and hospital staff. She also went far out of her way in answering questions particular to my pregnancy even after the class was over. She was as essential a part of our birthing process as the medical staff. - Jersey City Mom

Jayne, my husband and I feel so informed and we are so grateful all the information we received. We have such a better perspective on what is to happen or could happen and both feel very calm and in control (at the moment) with what is to come. You are a fantastic teacher and we appreciate your time and energy you give each Tuesday night! - Worth, Jersey CIty

The class was very informative and fun! I know my husband and I left feeling much more confident & trusting in our own abilities. We are looking forward to experiencing our birth story. Thank you, Jayne!  - Mika, Jersey City

Again, thank you for all your support and help. Your classes prepared us both so much. My husband was clearly a star pupil because he was (and continues to be) amazing throughout everything. I strongly believe that your preparation provided him with all the necessary tools. - New Mom, Jersey City

Jayne was a wonderful resource early during my pregnancy, and even more so after my miscarriage at 8 weeks. I searched for someone that could help my husband and I through the range of emotions that came from the traumatic event and she was just that person. Her combination of in-depth knowledge, easy-going attitude and empathy was just what we needed during that time. She continues to help us through the healing process, and as we begin the process of trying to conceive again. - Hopeful mom [Now, mom of two!]

Jayne was an incredible resource to me during and after my high-risk pregnancy at age 40. I found her to be very knowledgeable, compassionate and non-judgmental. She really listens and reassures you about what works for you, and that's so refreshing. Jayne shares information freely, follows-up frequently, and truly shines in her role as a childbirth educator and birth support professional. I felt very fortunate to have her on my team and would definitely recommend her to anyone having a baby. - Liza, Jersey City